We have also had a round table a discussion with the U.S. Department of Justice on the issues of the drugging children with dangerous psychotropic drugs for non-medical reasons. We also had one with the Heritage Foundation in Washington DC. We have all been working together to inform State, and Federal Government on the fact that these psychiatric brain disorders have no scientific validity, the Dopamine theory and others are nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of the psychiatric industry, there is no proof of any organic brain abnormality based on sound science. The lives of millions of children are being put at risk with dangerous, addictive drugs that have been publicly known to cause death, suicide, cardio vascular damage, chemical dependency, depression, tics, weight loss, appetite loss, school shootings and ineligibility to join the armed forces if on psychotropic medications, and many other things for something that can't even be proven. I am all for additional state and federal funding for students so they can have the educational learning tools needed and patient teachers, But I feel labeling children with ADD or ADHD and drugging them is a poor incentive for a school to get additional money with no accountability. Many have been working to have laws passed in each state that would give parents and guardians a choice, the legal right to refuse subjective mental health screening and the lethal psychotropic drugging of their children.