Revolution via home schooling
By Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld
The only effective group of citizens today in open opposition to big government
are the home schoolers. They are the only Americans willing to take on the public
education system that props up the entire statist enterprise of big, intrusive government.
Forget about conservative politicians. They are more concerned about conserving
their legislative privileges than rolling back increasingly intrusive government
Although President Bush has said nice things about home schoolers, he is doing
more to expand federal control over education than any previous Republican president.
His call for standardized testing is, in reality, a call for a federal curriculum,
which will be used by the establishment to continue dumbing down the nation.
In the last two months, I've spoken at four home-school conventions in liberal
New England, and there is no doubt that those who attend the conventions are revolutionaries
in the true sense of the word. They have rejected the tax-supported school system,
which is the chief instrument the totalitarians are using to construct a socially
controlled society.
Only by reasserting the need for educational freedom can this nation restore
its adherence to the principles of a free society. Leading in that fight is the
Home School Legal Defense Association,
founded by Michael Farris and other home-schooling attorneys, to defend the rights
of American parents to educate their children at home in accordance with their own
values. Two years ago, Farris founded Patrick Henry College to educate home schoolers
in constitutional law and to train them to serve as aides to conservative congressmen.
The fact that parents can still legally take their children out of the government
schools and educate them at home is an indication that this revolution can be won
peacefully. The simple fact is that the home-school movement has reached critical
mass and cannot be destroyed without causing a civil upheaval, and no politician
can afford to let that happen.
Why are so many parents home schooling? Because they've come to the realization
that the schools are destroying the brains of American children. It all starts in
the first grade where teaching methods are used to deliberately cause dyslexia and
reading disability. The method is popularly known as whole language, or the sight
method, in which children are required to memorize a sight vocabulary. That is,
they are required to memorize English printed words as whole configurations, like
Chinese characters. Sounds harmless enough, unless you understand what that kind
of memorization results in: a holistic reflex.
What's wrong with a holistic reflex? It becomes an obstacle to learning to read
phonetically. An alphabet is a phonetic system in which letters represent language
sounds. To become a fluent reader, you must develop a phonetic reflex, not a holistic
one. With a phonetic reflex, achieved through phonics drill, the reader can easily
see the phonetic structure of the words he is reading and discern the syllabic units
that make up the word. But a reader with a holistic reflex cannot see the phonetic
structure of the words, because he has the automatic habit of looking at words as
whole configurations.
In other words, the holistic reflex and the phonetic reflex are mutually exclusive.
And it was Ivan Pavlov, in his pysch lab in Moscow in the 1920s, who proved that
when an animal is subjected to two mutually exclusive reflexes, it has a nervous
breakdown. All of this is known to American psychologists, for the results of Pavlov's
experiments were published in 1932 in a book, "The Nature of Human Conflicts: Researches
in Disorganization and Control of Human Behavior," by A. R. Luria, professor of
psychology, State Institute of Experimental Psychology in Moscow. It was translated
by an American student of Pavlov's, W. Horsley Gantt.
The other day, a mother called me on a radio talk show. She complained that her
son was having trouble with reading. It turned out that the school was teaching
phonics and also requiring the child to memorize a sight vocabulary. I told her
that her son was experiencing a collision of reflexes, which was causing his confusion
and difficulty. I told her to get my Alpha-Phonics program and teach her child to
read at home.
The literacy scandal is only one reason why parents are now home schooling. There
are over four million kids on Ritalin, academic chaos in the classroom, a curriculum
of boredom, pornographic sex education, school massacres and more. If you love your
kids, get them out!